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Let’s talk about the HSC podcast: Episode 4

Let’s talk about the HSC podcast: Episode 4

Preparing for the HSC English Trials In this episode, Jesse interviews teacher Donna about her top tips for students preparing for their trials. Donna emphasises the importance of getting mentally prepared and having a sense of certainty before the exams. She advises students to make decisions ahead of time, such as knowing the structure of the papers and having a strategy for answering the questions. Donna also highlights the need for a deep understanding of the texts and the ability to...

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Building brains through Coaching

The best part about reading off a kindle is the ease with which you can highlight as you come across new and powerful learnings to review and hardwire later! This one from Dr Joe Dispenza is one I really wanted to share with you all as it felt like he was talking...

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Get Motivated!

We often get calls from parents asking how they can keep their child motivated to complete the necessary work/study over the Summer holidays to make headway in their HSC campaign. Well it comes down to 2 things; How strong is their Vision/Goal and how regularly are...

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4 reasons to Finish Your HSC Campaign with Zero Regrets

4 reasons to Finish Your HSC Campaign with Zero Regrets

Reason 1 Prove to yourself that you can put in the effort when it counts The HSC is just a challenge and it goes without saying that in life you are going to be presented with more challenges.  What better opportunity is there to prove to yourself that even though you...

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My Top Motivational Videos for HSC Students

My Top Motivational Videos for HSC Students

It goes without saying that students will be tired from a big term, a big year and all the 18th celebrations, sporting events, job commitments etc but remember you are going to have a HUGE rest once the HSC is finally over. How good will Schoolies be knowing that you...

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Top 5 Tips for the Final Stages of HSC 2018

Top 5 Tips for the Final Stages of HSC 2018

With only 3 weeks to go until the final HSC exams of 2018 begin here are my top tips for ensuring you are ready for the exam room. Tip 1 Give it everything you’ve got and finish your schooling with zero regrets. Current Year 12 students started school as a...

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How HSC CoWorks Prepared for the New English Syllabus

How HSC CoWorks Prepared for the New English Syllabus

The changes to the new English Syllabus are certainly in full swing. Our year 11 cohort are currently studying the new Preliminary curriculum and will be the first to sit the HSC course in its revised form. With all of these changes, you may be wondering how HSC...

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4 Tips for Parents of Teens Tackling the New English Syllabus

4 Tips for Parents of Teens Tackling the New English Syllabus

So perhaps you’ve heard that there have been some big changes to the English Syllabus. English is a compulsory subject for all students, so regardless of the level they’ve elected to study, your teen is going to be impacted. As a parent of a young person about to...

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Demystifying the HSC for Parents!

Demystifying the HSC for Parents!

My teacher is no good. I can’t write essays. I have too much homework. You don’t understand how hard this is. If this is sounding all too familiar to you, then it’s likely you have a child sitting the HSC in the next 2 years. Don’t worry... you are not alone. As a...

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Frustrated with your child’s exam results?

Frustrated with your child’s exam results?

If you are frustrated, no doubt your child is too. Spending hours and hours at the desk ‘studying’ does not necessarily translate to improving exam results if the hours of studying are ineffective in preparing for the actual exam environment. Our brain craves...

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HSC CoWorks University Information Night

HSC CoWorks University Information Night

University Information Night Our annual University Night was last Thursday in our Bondi Junction campus and it was a blast. The night started off with a few speeches from individual coaches - The reality of a Gap Year; Alternate pathways into university as well as...

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Engaging Your Vision to Stay Energized Towards HSC Success

Engaging Your Vision to Stay Energized Towards HSC Success

This is the third and final part of our series on ‘Getting and staying motivated for HSC success’ and definitely the most important step if distractions, procrastination or lack of focus is getting in the way of results. While almost everyone is aware of the...

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HSC CoWorks Opens New Campus in Chatswood

HSC CoWorks Opens New Campus in Chatswood

We are thrilled to launch our new Chatswood Campus!! Suite 101B, Level 1 342 Victoria Avenue Chatswood NSW 2067 This Campus is located opposite the Chatswood Library and above the Commonwealth Bank, with the entry being on Spring Street.  Chatswood joins our Mosman...

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The Importance Of Having Heroes in HSC

The Importance Of Having Heroes in HSC

They say “work until your idols become your rivals,” however are we choosing the right idols to strive towards? Are we placing the Olympic gold medalists, billionaire authors and tech giants of the world in our career crosshairs, or choosing a much more humble...

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Featured Profile: Atlassian Co-Founders – HSC CoWorks

Featured Profile: Atlassian Co-Founders – HSC CoWorks

    It all started with a $10,000 limit on a credit card. 15 years later, university friends Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar are Australia’s most successful tech entrepreneurs, and their company, Atlassian, is worth over $7 billion.  Atlassian, which develops...

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Keeping Up with the Australian Economy

Keeping Up with the Australian Economy

How to write a successful extended response and successfully analyse Australia’s economic conditions.     In studying HSC Economics, you’re going to need to be able to integrate your economic theory with a close analysis of trends within the Australian economy to...

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