Our Blog
Jesse’s Weekly Message – June 30
As of today we have 31 days until Trial Exams begin and for our Year 11 students Yearly exams will begin in around 50-60 days. Let's break this down.... July 3rd - July 9th: Second week 'holidays' for some schools. First week for other schools. July 10th - July 16th: Last week of 'holidays' July 17th - July 23rd: School back. Race to finish content July 24th - July 30th: Final 7 days before exams begin July 31st - Trials begin for most students with other schools the following week or week...
HSC Success Is All in the Mind: Education Today
After appearing on Business Australia’s podcast, ‘The Company You Keep’, our Head Performance Coach and Managing Director, Jesse Gardiner, speaks to Education Today about developing a positive HSC mindset.
Output Matters: Why You Can’t Just ‘Show Up’
It’s easy to confuse just showing up with making progress because you showed up so something must be happening, that’s better than not being here right?
Yes showing up is better than not even showing up at all… but barely.
Michael Jordan and the HSC CoWorks Key Behaviours
22 years after Jordan won his last NBA championship he has maintained universal relevance due to the qualities he displayed as an athlete on the basketball court which we can all relate to as being the same qualities to achieve success on the court of life.
Measured Performance: An Indicator of Future Success
The Measured Performance (‘MP’) is our index for tracking student progress and output at HSC CoWorks.
Who wants a great HSC result? Everyone!
How many people want a fantastic HSC result? Everyone! How many people get a fantastic HSC result? Not everyone. The idea of what constitutes 'fantastic' is going to differ between students, however there is one commonality amongst all students who do achieve that...
If you can’t do the little things right, how can you expect to do the big things well?
Everyone wants to be able to do the big things well but there is very little differentiator between those who can, and those who can't. Those who are able to succeed have had to put in the hard work with all the little things in order to allow them the chance to...
6 Steps to Conquering Mount HSC, Mount Uni & Mount Life
Learning how to learn (and enjoying it!) is an opportunity available to every HSC student. Here are our 6 top tips for getting up your next mountain successfully.
Virtual Campfire – Encouragement, accountability and community
Always helps to know other people are also putting in the hard yards Virtual Campfire - A place for encouragement, accountability and communityI think it's safe to say most people enjoy sitting around a campfire should the opportunity arise. While there is no heat...
What if you were suddenly given everything you want?
There is a knock on the door and a delivery driver is there with a box on it with the following message:
‘Congratulations! Inside this box is your goal ATAR, early entry into your dream university course and a feeling of no regrets’
Do you take the box?
Right Now: A Significant Moment
Right now is a significant moment because right now there is a choice available. You have just two options.
The Answer to Your Motivation Issues
Zig Ziglar (motivation Guru from the 80s and 90s) is famous for saying ‘People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.’
How to Make the Most Out of ‘Lockdown Learning’
With NESA confirming that the 2020 HSC will be going ahead, students need to be flexible, consistent and solutions-focused if they want to make the most out of their HSC year.
In the face of uncertain and challenging times, it is important to respond with flexibility and positivity. In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Australia, the team at HSC CoWorks were proactive and adaptive, working tirelessly to update the service and continue...
Learning from Home: How to Set Up Your At-Home Study Space
The global outbreak of COVID-19 has brought a great deal of change to the world. That much goes without saying. And the education space is certainly not exempt from this. As a result of the pandemic, many Australian schools have been forced to introduce a ‘learning...
Cramming: The HSC Habit You Need to Quit
While a very common study method employed by students, cramming is an ineffective, not to mention stressful, approach. Here’s how to study effectively and build the habit of consistency!
Summer Holidays 2019/20
There are several schools finishing very early this year, giving students 2 whole months of summer holidays. Whilst we encourage students to have a bit of a break and re-group from a very busy Year 11 and 1st Term Year 12, these summer holidays are also the best...
Your HSC Success Story
You have everything you need to create your very own HSC Success Story. When we look around at those who are achieving the success which we want for ourselves, it is easy to fall into the trap of attributing those people as having 'super powers' i.e. they are smarter,...
Hi, my name is Portia Gooch, and I am a Senior Coach at HSC CoWorks in Bondi Junction and Regional Ambassador for the HSC CoWorks’ Virtual Campus. However, in my time outside of the office, I am also a psychology student and a youth mental health worker with a passion...
Beware of the Post HSC Trials Slump…
With many students mid HSC Trials right now, we wanted to discuss a very common obstacle that students tend to face in a couple of weeks: the post-trials slump. Yes it’s a real thing! After (hopefully) working very hard in the lead-up to trials, and an intensive exam...
How to stay ‘Gritty’ post Trials
The key to staying gritty through the post-trials period comes back to our first and most important student key behaviour ‘Engage your vision’. No student wants to re-work an English essay or complete another Maths past paper. However everyone wants the benefits of...