Our Blog
Jesse’s weekly hsc message 19 May
There are lots of assessment tasks happening at the moment as the schools race to get through the content before the end of this school term for Year 12 students. In my 15 years of guiding students to the top of Mount HSC I have always found this stage of the journey to be the most challenging due to the high pace of content delivery, final assessments before Trial exams and everything else that is happening in a teenagers life. As of today Trial Exams begin in 73 days for most of our...
How Likely Are You To Get Work DONE?
Have you ever wondered why you never seem to get as much work done as you want to? Countless studies have tried to solve this question, however, one in particular, a study from Brigham Young University has come up with surprising results. Even though the conventional...
How Can You Deal with HSC and Study Stress?
In this blog, three of our senior coaches have collaborated to give you some tips to reduce stress over this stressful period. 1. Set small goals and stick to them If you’ve ever heard the phrase ‘study smart, not hard’ you will know what I’m trying to emphasis. There...
Surviving and thriving through your HSC Trials
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: Advice for Trials from a student who’s been there, done that… Strengths and weaknesses: As you’re studying for Trials these holidays, it’s so important to identify any areas of weakness you feel you might have so that you can...
What Do High Achievers Have In Common?
Have you ever wondered why a certain person does so well in everything? They seem to be good at English and maths and science and even art. I bet those people make you annoyed, angry even. But have you ever stopped to think about why? Why do their achievements make...
Example Of The Feedback From Our Online Markers
This week we share a piece of marking from one of the marking team, Donna. This type of marking is typical of the highest quality marking that each student receives, allowing them to take ownership of their own work. Further, this supportive evaluation encourages the...
How Much Study Time Do You Really Have?
In this video we look at how much time is actually available for students to prepare for their Trial Exams. 4 to 5 weeks feels like lots of time for study but you will see that assuming a student works consistently over this period they will only have 13.2 hours per...
Creating Your Study Timetable For The Holidays
Hi everyone, The key to success in preparing for your Trial Exams is being highly effective and productive with the limited time you have over these upcoming holidays. Just to illustrate how little time a student actually has: If a student is to study 6 hours per day...
There Is No Elevator To The Top Of Mount HSC: Cheating Doesn’t Work.
Hi everyone, You may have seen the headlines in the Sydney Morning Herald over the weekend about cheating amongst Year 12 students being ‘endemic.’ This makes me immensely proud of the service we provide to our students which provides them the tools to support them...
Fergus’ Tips for HSC Trial Success!
You Think You’ve Got It Tough?
As we reach the more difficult stages of the climb up Mount HSC it is both easy and common for students to start to feel like the challenge of the HSC is too much to cope with as they start to forget what is at the top of the mountain(Why they are climbing it) and...
Closing Enrolments for HSC 2015
We will be closing enrolments on May 15th for any new student completing the HSC in 2015. Past years have proven to us that if a student starts too late in the year, they arrive in the office in absolute 'Panic Mode'. This can impact existing students and demand...
April Holiday’s Recommended Study Plan
Hi Everyone, The April Holidays offer an opportunity to recharge the batteries before we enter the second and more challenging half of the climb up Mount HSC. A strong performance over these holidays will position students well for a very busy Term 2. We have created...
HSC CoWorks Coaching Program: Required Behaviours
At HSC CoWorks we utilize a number of tools to support students reach their goal ATAR. The following tools are an essential part of this program and as such will not be optional going forward. Students who choose to ignore the below requirements should reconsider...
EBTs Are Going Mandatory!
From Term 2 you will need to submit an EBT online before you can submit an essay for marking. This will ensure that you have a fluent, concise and well-constructed essay. Zero marking credits required to submit an EBT so no excuses! So why build an EBT before writing...
Is Optional Homework A Good Idea?
The Sydney Morning Herald reported today on the increased incidence of schools adopting an optional homework policy for primary school students. These schools have an "Opt Out" policy allowing parents to make the decision on whether their child completes all of their...
Playing the HSC Game
Brief Introduction: This will be the final of the three articles that I will have written to assist you all in achieving your dream ATARs. However of the three, this article will be the most important and beneficial, so if you have the time I suggest you read this...
Success in Science
A Brief Introduction Unlike my mathematics article, I won’t begin this article by talking about the scaling of these subjects. This is not because it is irrelevant but because I think there is a more important point I want to make in this introduction. During my final...
Strategies To Get You To The Peak Of Your Mount HSC – #1 – Stretch and Challenge
Over the next few weeks I will outline the study strategies which, if followed, will ensure you achieve the very best HSC result you can. In this post we look at the most important strategy of all "Stretch and Challenge" where we are always looking to expand...
Delayed Gratification Vs Instant Gratification And It’s Implications For Our Students
In the late 1960's and early 1970's a Stanford University proferssor, Walter Mischel, PhD, conducted a now famous study known as the Marshmallow Test and over the last week we have been exploring its implications for students working towards a great HSC result. In...
What Does A Great Economics Essay Look Like?
Every school has a different way of approaching economics essays and that is probably the way you will learn to write them. Always much more of an English person, I considered Economics my weakness and really struggled in the beginning to write perfect essays....