Motivating Your Way Up Mount HSC

This week, I’ve had conversations with numerous students who are struggling to keep on top of the Term 2 work load and have found themselves falling behind or being unaware of their time line of assessments, major works or even when Trial Exams are. This signals a...

Cool Company To Work For #16: Seven West Media

Are you interested in being a Producer, Director, Reporter, Lighting or Sound crew, Camera Operator, Accountant, Lawyer, Administrator, Broadcast Technician, Editors, Sub-editor, Designer, Photographer, Publicist, Sales Representative and IT, Finance and HR...

Saturday Night Study Lock Downs

Great HSC results last forever. HSC 2014 has less than 160 days to go. Sacrifice a few Saturday nights of your HSC Campaign in the knowledge that come November you will be able to go out every Saturday night guilt free and proud that you did everything you could to...

Cool Company To Work For #14: Business Chicks

Business Chicks is Australia’s largest networking community for women in business. They believe that great stuff happens when women come together to uplift and inspire each other. When they stop competing, and start lending a hand. When they give of their...