Tips to get you ready for the exam room (Part 1)

Tips to get you ready for the exam room part 2

When it comes to time spent studying, many students will measure their success based on how long they were able to spend at their desk. However, effective study is all about quality over quantity, and the students who perform best in exams are the ones who study most...
Conquering your Mount HSC

Conquering your Mount HSC

Conquering your Mount HSC    At CoWorks, we often use the metaphor that the HSC is like a mountain. We break the mountain up into four basecamps – term 1, term 2, term 3, term 4. After you’ve hit the basecamps you get the opportunity to summit the mountain...
How to succeed with essay writing in HSC English

How to succeed with essay writing in HSC English

English, whether Standard or Advanced, is the only HSC subject required to be completed by every student in NSW. As a result, many students tend to find themselves in a negative ‘away state’ about English, in particular essay writing. This often boils down to students...
100 Days to go!

100 Days to go!

After approximately 4200 days of schooling – you only have 100 days to go! Yes, the next 100 days will be tricky and challenging, but with only 100 days to go, make sure you finish with no regrets. Having perspective through visualising this final stretch as one last...