While we are getting closer and closer to the end of this HSC year, HSC 2022 students are also getting closer to their next exciting adventure, University. Last weekend Sarah and I took the kids to Canberra to catch up with our virtual coaches, watch a game of...
Why eating your HSC frogs is so important! In this video Jesse outlines what a frog task is and why they are so important. For an HSC student, frog tasks are the hardest or most challenging tasks that they do not want to do, such as a practice essay or working...
The ‘post-trials slump’ is real for the vast majority of HSC students. You have covered all the content, assessment tasks are done, the countdown to graduation is on, the weather is heating up, 18th birthday events every weekend and 50% of your ATAR is...
With trials finished up for almost everyone, we wanted to discuss a very common obstacle that students tend to face around this time of year: the post-trials slump. Yes it’s a real thing! After (hopefully) working very hard in the lead-up to trials, and an intensive...
Following on from my last message this week we will be continuing to look at the signs to look out for when the HSC CoWorks Key Behaviours are NOT being applied. This week we will be looking at the second three Key Behaviours and indicators that they are not being...
For regular readers of my weekly message, you will be aware that I’m always going on about the HSC CoWorks student Key Behaviours as the path to overcoming any and every challenge associated with achieving a great HSC result. As we always say, if the key...