How HSC CoWorks Prepared for the New English Syllabus

How HSC CoWorks Prepared for the New English Syllabus

The changes to the new English Syllabus are certainly in full swing. Our year 11 cohort are currently studying the new Preliminary curriculum and will be the first to sit the HSC course in its revised form. With all of these changes, you may be wondering how HSC...
Demystifying the HSC for Parents!

Demystifying the HSC for Parents!

My teacher is no good. I can’t write essays. I have too much homework. You don’t understand how hard this is. If this is sounding all too familiar to you, then it’s likely you have a child sitting the HSC in the next 2 years. Don’t worry… you are not alone. As a...
Frustrated with your child’s exam results?

Frustrated with your child’s exam results?

If you are frustrated, no doubt your child is too. Spending hours and hours at the desk ‘studying’ does not necessarily translate to improving exam results if the hours of studying are ineffective in preparing for the actual exam environment. Our brain craves...