As of today we have 31 days until Trial Exams begin and for our Year 11 students Yearly exams will begin in around 50-60 days. Let’s break this down…. July 3rd – July 9th: Second week ‘holidays’ for some schools. First week for other...
Good morning everyone, I hope you have all had a great week. The Trial Exams are now only 52 days away for most students (59 days for others). The Trial Exams are the biggest internal assessment task and a significant challenge for even the most studious student given...
The HSC exams are the most important tests a NSW student will take during their schooling career, and proper preparation is crucial for success. Here are ten tips to help you prepare effectively for your HSC exams: Start early It goes without saying that you...
Effective note-taking is an essential skill for successful HSC students. Whether in the classroom or at home, developing a system for taking and organising notes is crucial to exam preparation. Here are some tips for writing effective notes that will support you in...
The mission of HSC CoWorks is to support students finish their HSC with no regrets. In order for a student to have no regrets, they are going to need to consistently do the tasks that they don’t want to do so they can continually expand their capabilities and...
With the Trial Exams only 81 days away (for 90% of our students) it’s very important that Year 12 students are making progress with their Trials preparation now to ensure they don’t get overwhelmed with the volume of content that will be examined in the...