Stay motivated. engage your vision!

Apr 14, 2021

One of the biggest challenges for a year 11 and 12 student is getting and staying motivated to put in the hard yards to produce their best possible results.
At HSC CoWorks, motivating students to work even when they don’t want to is embedded in everything we do. From our organisational core value of ‘Unite in Vision’ to our Student Key Behaviour of ‘Engage your Vision’ we are committed to constantly reminding students of all the exciting benefits and rewards associated with achieving a fantastic HSC result.


To further support our students ‘engage their vision’ we are excited to introduce two new tools to keep help students minimise distraction and procrastination as well as staying energised to work on the tasks that will produce the results.
Our Virtual Vision Board exercise into the student portal poses a series of questions to students every 30 days as a simple but powerful exercise in contextualising the effort of today with the rewards awaiting them at the end of the HSC process. Students’ selections are reset every 30 days and students can re-build their virtual vision board which should take no more than 2 minutes to complete.


Watch the below video to see how it works.

In addition to our new virtual vision board our Vision Board Template provides a simple template for a physical vision board in students study area as a constant reminder of why they are going to work on the tasks they don’t want to work on. No one is studying for fun but without the physical vision board it’s easy to forget your ‘why’ and therefore everything other than study will start looking more attractive (think texting, social media, Netflix, YouTube and the endless other distractions available to students). 

  HSC CoWorks provides HSC support for students across our Mosman, Bondi Junction, Chatswood, and Dee Why locations. We are also able to provide support to students across NSW virtually!   Our Navigating the HSC series provides parents and students with the knowledge they need to navigate their way through the HSC. 
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Join us LIVE on Instagram! 🎉 Get ready to ask us all your burning questions about the HSC: from preparation tips to subject queries and study techniques. 
Ask your question via our Stories and then tune in tomorrow (Thursday April 18th) at 7pm for our response - we can’t wait to chat with you! #hsccoworks #hscbooster #StudyTips #AskUsAnything #hsc2024
All HSC Students have goals - whether this be career goals, ATAR goals, term goals and even weekly or daily goals!⁠
However, without planning, these goals are merely wishes.⁠
In other words, simply identifying a 'goal' does not mean that the necessary steps have been put in place to allow for this goal to be achievable.⁠
Therefore, students must regularly PLAN in order to make their goals a reality! 🤩⁠
Students must:⁠
1️⃣ Identify what they need to do to achieve their goals, and;⁠
2️⃣ Set aside time to complete the tasks that will actualise their goals.⁠
We recommend using our Planning Pad to engage in regular planning. This will help turn your goals from wishes, into realities! 📝 (View our last post to learn more)⁠
📩  DM us and we will send a Free Planning Pad to your door!
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