At HSC CoWorks we utilize a number of tools to support students reach their goal ATAR. The following tools are an essential part of this program and as such will not be optional going forward.
Students who choose to ignore the below requirements should reconsider their suitability to our program.
Basecamp: >2 entries / week
The Basecamp Project Management Tool must be used to create the studentβs agenda for each session attended and also for planning the work they need to complete from one day to the next. Our coaching team will support students identify the tasks which will optimize their study and results. Basecamp is a powerful tool for;
- PLANNING out what needs to be done to ensure success
- ACCOUNTABILITY in completing the work that they have planned
- COMMUNICATION between parent, student and HSC CoWorks
As tasks are added and completed an automated email is sent to parents, coaches and the management team. Just like a Mountain climbing crew supports each climber, HSC CoWorks uses Basecamp to ensure that each student is putting in the required planning for HSC success.
By doing this it makes the student accountable. If the program is on the bedroom wall, in a diary or on a piece of paper a student has no actual expectation that the job will be done. Tasks in Basecamp should be varied ie write an introductory paragraph on Wilfred Owen, do the Integration section from the 2012 HSC paper, answer photosynthesis short answers from the 2013 HSC paper.
We know that students love encouragement [don’t we all!] and love to know that they are not isolated and that there are lots of people acting as guides on the journey. In our experience students need a positive supporting perspective and a re-alignment from negative perspectives. This can all be achieved by active use of Basecamp. We will be monitoring Basecamp usage however we encourage parents to get involved in their child’s HSC Journey by interacting, responding and delivery positive messages through the Basecamp Project. If you are unsure on how to use this, please contact us.
Basecamp entries will take the student 1-4 minutes.
Online Submissions: >2 submissions / calendar month
To be a successful HSC Candidate a student must be willing to do lots of practice. Any excuse for not submitting work via our website is an indication of avoidance and procrastination. At HSC CoWorks we are committed to helping our students achieve the best possible marks and in order to do this we need them to submit work for feedback from our team of HSC markers.
Essay Building Templates: 1xEBT for every English text
You would have seen a lot of communication from us recently about the importance of EBTs. Students who attend our office for coaching in English will need to submit an EBT as their 1st step in preparing for the subject. Completing an EBT sets you up to negotiate ANY exam question and is a required component to receiving any coaching in the subject.
We will be reporting to parents on a regular basis regarding each studentβs compliance with the above requirements.
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Thank you,
Jesse & Fergus