Introducing Saturday Night Lockdowns!

May 5, 2014

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Starting May 31st 2014, the HSC CoWorks will be kicking off new concept “Saturday Night Lockdowns”.

With the start of Term 2 and less than 170 days to go until the final HSC exams, now is the time for every student to be putting everything they have into their studies and into embedding the study practices needed for their dream ATAR result.

The “Saturday Night Lockdowns” promote intensive study in an effective and encouraging environment at a time when other HSC students across NSW are indulging in social events. Sacrifice a few Saturday nights of your HSC Campaign now in the knowledge that come November you will be able to go out every Saturday night guilt free and proud that you did everything you could to get into your dream University Course.

HSC tuition and coaching for success, a journey worth taking


  • Get ready for your HSC by practicing exam style tasks with expert support
  • Develop the power of self discipline by sacrificing a few of your Saturday nights
  • Work without the distractions of home, friends at the library, your mobile phone and Facebook
  • Receive expert coaching and tuition support on any topics you are unclear on. Meet the team of coaches here.
  • Work in a space with other students who are motivated to do well

Find out more here or contact our team on 1300 967 890. Numbers are limited so please book early if there is a specific Lockdown you wish to attend.